Pounds Released

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, October 27, 2014

Pounds Released - Not Lost .....

I was surfing the web and came across a story about weight loss and this woman referred to it as pounds released ..

Lost - often has a emotional and negative connotation to it, when you think of losing something - or its lost to you - it can often without even realizing it create negative feelings within us that we react too at a subconscious level.

I looked up lost in the www.m-w.com dictionary online and I was very surprised at all the "negative" meanings of the word.
How many times do we talk of it as a loss/ lost pounds and then as "found" when we have regained the weight.

I like the word release .. that implies/conveys my true feelings .. that its a choice made freely to let the pounds go. .. that I release myself from the weight and because they are not lost - there is no need to ever "find" them again!

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