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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Self Fulfilling Prohphecies

I really do believe to some extent that we are self programmed for either success or failure. It all has to do with the voices in our head - (and no I am not psychotic or at least haven't been diagnosed as such).

If we really listened to the voices in our head, we would see the writing is on the wall. How many times have you started on a self help program of some sort only to fail again and again ? This is not a new theory by no means. Its a multi-million dollar industry. People writing books telling people how to solve their problems, how to lose weight, how to stop smoking, how to effectively change a bad habit.

And in most every one of those books are some good ideas, some thought that makes you think, look at and examine your own life, your own choices. We get all fired up, we buy all the stuff, We start to talk the language and we become a follower of the great plan. I have those books, the tapes, I love "stuff".

However since the stuff hasn't included a micro-chip that I can insert into my brain that somehow automatically changes my thoughts ... I have realized that this really does take some inner brain work on my part!

I always start off with the best intentions - the can do attitude - and next thing you know you I am half way through a box of frozen flakies.

Its a vicious cycle and for myself - each time I lose a little more self respect. I question my abilities just a little more and that nasty negative voice in my head gets louder and as I get older - I certainly get a lot more cynical and yet .. here I am - unhappy with how I look and more importantly how I feel and wanting to do something about it.

So how do you stop that vicious cycle ? How do you stop the false starts and stops and how do you just do it.

Well that is what my writing about, to figure it out and these are a couple of things I know for sure.
The resolve to lose weight has to be stronger then the resolve to stay fat. Now one might question - why anybody would want to stay fat ... and that is a good question. Yet - obviously on some level - I want to stay fat... wait .. I meant to say WANTED to stay fat.
A question I definitely need to explore and answer for myself.

Something else I know for sure is that my inner brain chatter really is not in my best interest and I need to change the script. I need to re-record over the little voices that tell me - yeah somehow its ok if you have a big mac, large fries and hell why not the apple pie too cause you have gone that far.

What I do know for absolutely sure is that - you can't change it all in one day, it is a process, it is a concentrated effort of deliberate actions.

That is what I am thinking on today.

***** Previously written and re-posted October 2014

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